Monday, January 26, 2009

"Let the Show Begin!"

Getting my feet wet with a little kindergarten homeschooling has become quite a joy of mine lately. Kyla and Avery seem to love their mama playing with them a little more, even though I'm secretly teaching them a little more. Hmmm...playing and learning going hand in hand (imagine that). I hope this part of time will stand still for awhile as I watch them enjoy learning.

Today we had a story-telling time of the fairy-tale "Star Money" and we talked about why it is good to give and be kind to other people. The girls enjoyed learning the verse from Ephesians 4:29, "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." It amazed me (as always) how quickly Kyla soaked up those words and told them back to me a couple times throughout the day. Now, only if I can soak up those words as well and put them into action!

Then the girls put on a puppet show and re-inacted "Star Money" with their little fairy puppets they got as a Christmas gift from Papa and Gaga Phillips. (Thanks, mom! They love them!)

As I watch Kyla enjoy learning; learning to read, learning to write and add numbers-she is showing me that it's not just about getting "school" time in. I see that they are learning all the time; all day long:-)
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1 comment:

our little love nest said...

Oops...that last comment was supposed to be in this set. Oh well, they are all very lovely!