Monday, March 12, 2007

Kyla's 3rd Birthday

On February 24th, we celebrated Kyla turning 3 years old! We had carrot cupcakes and lots of yummy treats for her and a few of her friends. Kyla told mommy that she wanted a flower birthday party. So, I went and bought a bunch of pink and red Gerber daisies and Pete bought some Gerber daisy napkins and we had pink flowers on her cupcakes! She had a fun day and we have been blessed with her these past 3 years!

Kyla loves to garden. She received some gardening tools for her birthday and every time we go to the park, she brings her tools along. She has quite a look of determination on her face as she scoops the sand and dirt into her pots. Then, she goes over to the nearby water fountain to fill her pot with water. "Now I need to find a plant, mommy," she says, as she takes my hand and leads me to a tree with leaves covering the ground. We look for flowers, leaves and sticks and she continues to garden in the way she loves to the most. With black dirt on her cheeks and a smile, she repeats the process over and over again. I don't know how long we would stay at the park gardening if it was up to her. I don't believe we would ever leave!

I love watching my little girl create. I enjoy seeing her imagination run wild and develop with each new day. She gardens... she takes her "Little People" to the doctor on a regular basis... she puts her baby dolls to sleep, breastfeeds them, and reads them books. She makes "happy birthday cakes" in the sand and lines seashells up at the beach.

Here before us, the creative image of God manifest in a little child.