Monday, January 26, 2009

Avery's eczema is soooo much better!

Well, you haven't seen much up lately about Avery and her eczema mostly because we have seen a world of improvement since the beginning of July. She still has eczema, but it is very mild compared to the severity of it last year. Last year, it covered all of her arms and legs and back. Often it was weepy, crusted, red and inflamed. It was infected several times. Now, her eczema is a light pink, it has not been infected in probably one year, and it bothers her a lot less.

We probably owe much of this improvement to the NAET allergy treatments she is receiving to rid her body of allergies. Her dairy allergy is nearly gone, and so are other environmental allergies. Another thing that has definitely helped is just having Avery older. She tells us when her skin "hurts" and says, "I need my butter" (when she is asking us to put Shea Butter on her skin). Another thing that has been extremely helpful is finding the right probiotic for Avery. With the help from her naturopath physician that she saw last year combined with my research, I have found that Lactobacillus GG has been linked to improving eczema and, overtime, actually HEALING allergies. She started taking the probiotic Culturelle about 2 months ago and since then her digestive upsets are completely gone and her eczema is looking very mild. Occasionally to keep it under control we use just over-the-counter 1% hydrocortizone, but we are so happy that a little bit of hydrocortizone is all it takes to keep her comfortable.

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1 comment:

our little love nest said...

I am so glad to hear about Avery doing better. I love the new look of your blog and these shots of the girls are absolutely stunning. You are such a beautiful family. We are are blessed to have you as friends.