Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Feeling a little like Abraham...

I think I have a taste of what Abraham might have felt like when God told him that his descendants would out-number the stars in the sky. He was probably wondering how that would be possible since he was old, his wife was old, and they didn't have any children to begin that sort of family tree.

Pete and I were talking last night. It's easy to get a little discouraged and wonder, "How, Lord?" How are we going to be able to save money for the Philippines with our money so tight and an economy so bad off? How will the Lord provide? We feel like God is telling us to go to the Philippines, but we have not a dime in savings and an income that just pays the bills and meets our needs. How in the world will this work out and be possible?

We've seen Him provide, and we always have exactly what we NEED. But this ride of faith seems to be requiring so much more faith than I have. Please do keep us in your prayers. Please pray God will show us what next step to take.

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