Thursday, May 21, 2009

Kyla's words of wisdom

Before my story, a comment about the pictures above...the girls taking a nature walk with their daddy,
Kyla finding some more beautiful spring "life" in the woods, and Avery wearing a dress. I had to get this one on camera. You always see Avery in long sleeves and pants because of her eczema. Poor girl, if she sees her bare skin, she goes after it and scratches until it bleeds. For some reason, this particular day (a few weeks ago) she was really focused on her play and actually forgot about her skin! Or at least she was distracted enough! This lasted for a full 15 minutes or so...amazing! She's so cute in a dress, I really hope one day she'll be able to wear them without scratching herself.

Okay, on with the story. So, today was a rather rough afternoon with Avery and her skin. Actually, to be quite honest it has been a very rough spring (March, April and May) with Avery's skin. "They" ranked Charlotte as the #3 worst city in the nation for springtime allergies. Yikes. We can tell!! So, while Avery was screaming in the bath, Pete was with her. I was reading Kyla a book before her bedtime. After the book Kyla gave me a huge tackling hug and held me so sweet. She said, "Mama, I'm hugging you and you're hugging me, we're carrying each other," and if that's not sweet enough she then went on to say, "it's kinda like God carrying us. He holds us tight. You know, mama, God carries babies and kids and adults."

Well, if that wasn't a word sent right from God to me tonight through my precious little girl, then I don't know what is! :-)

I'm so thankful He carries us. What a great reminder. :-)
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Rosie said...

that made me have tears in my eyes! how sweet. precious little kyla and avery.

Emilie said...

I love Kyla's words - so wise, she is! I read the update on your Philippines page. I'm sorry you aren't able to go this year. How would the internship work if you go in 2010? Would you go as a doula, or are you pursuing midwifery through another school? You're still in our prayers, Avery's eczema especially!

Anna said...

God is good. Life is beautiful.

Sweet, sweet story.