Monday, November 24, 2008

"See Me Read!!"

Kyla has been reading for a couple months now from a recommended book, "Teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons." It's a phenomenal book for homeschooling or just to simply help your child to read. I wasn't planning to start until Kindergarten with her, but she kept pointing to words and asking us what they say so this summer we thought it might be time to start slowly.

We probably only do 1 lesson a week with her. But here are her words and sentences that she's reading now.

...and some others.

Here are the 3 sentences she's been reading:
"See me eat"
"See me read"
"Mad at me"

Quotes for Monday

“God is using all of your experiences, good and bad, to develop your character and to match your calling. After all, dear friend, you will never know how God will use you until you let him.”
- Elizabeth Elliott ( I think!)

"Call to Me, and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know" --Jeremiah 33:3

The whole chapter of Isaiah 58

Sunday, November 23, 2008

High-fructose corn syrup

High-fructose corn syrup is twenty times sweeter than sucrose, it is cheap to make, and convenient for food manufacturers because it retains moisture. It blends well with other ingredients and extends the shelf life of products. It's no wonder it seems to be in almost everything we eat: from whole grain bread, ketchup and spaghetti sauce to cookies and yogurt.

The Journal of Clinical Nutrition began to link high- fructose corn syrup to the rise in obesity because of the specific way it is metabolized in the body. However, corn syrup manufacturers want more research to be done on this topic.

One for sure fact is that it does absolutely nothing to improve one's overall health and wellness. The "free" fructose in corn syrup can disrupt the heart's use of minerals and it also decreases the ability of white blood cells to fight infections. Furthermore, according to several research studies and also Dr. Neustaedter, OMD, "fructose inhibits the hormones that make us feel full (insulin and leptin), and it triggers the hormone that makes us feel hungry (ghrelin). "

The good news is that it is possible to avoid high-fructose corn syrup. Trader Joe's is where we get about 95% of all of our groceries and none of their products contain this ingredient. (In addition, they also do not sell products that contain artificial colors, preservatives, or hydrogenated oils).

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Friday, November 21, 2008

Random thoughts and musings


Today is very windy and cold and it feels like winter here in Charlotte. I had a little get-together with some of the students from my childbirth classes and one of my doula clients. Their babies were born in the last several months and I had heard from some of the mothers off and on that they were having a hard time feeling isolated and alone.

So, babies and coffee was born and we met at Dilworth coffee on this windy, autumn day in Charlotte. I don't know if we'll meet at a coffee shop each time (my 2 toddlers were on the wilder side sitting in a coffee shop for 1.5 hours!), but at least everyone got to meet other mommies! It was a good time.


I haven't written much on my blog about the Philippines and going to New Life International School of Midwifery next year. Most of the time I think about writing and then I don't. I think I'm in a very "speechless" state right now. Pete and I are just doing a lot of praying and waiting on the Lord. I feel an unusually strong tug on my heart to go. This "tugging" only gets stronger when I go to church and the pastor speaks on Jonah. It gets stronger when I pick up my Bible and read just about any passage. Only stronger when I talk to God about it. It's the same "tug" I felt when Jesus called me to himself and asked me to give my life to Him. I don't know what to do with this very "Holy Spirit" type of tugging. It seems like we just need to obey and go! And then the doubts pop after another..."What if we don't raise all the money?"....."What about vaccines for Avery? She had (mild) allergic reactions to the only 2 shots she's ever had."...."what about her skin?"...."what will life be like as a family in the Philippines?"......"what will our families think?" (...ummmm....let's just say that they aren't exactly thrilled with the idea of us moving across the world...)


Avery is being treated by an acupuncturist with an allergy-elimination technique called NAET. So far, it seems to be working, but only time will tell. Currently, her skin looks almost beautiful. And she is happier and happier every day. And, she's no longer allergic to dairy!!! yippeeeee!!
We just praise God and thank him for each and every day that Avery is happy and not scratching. And yesterday and today were days like that. Slowly and surely we are all getting our sanity back :-)


I love being a doula. I'm excited to one day become a midwife, but there is no other word to describe how much I love helping other moms as a doula right now. Whether it is educating them on childbirth and breastfeeding, encouraging them, supporting them and praying for them. It is a ministry in and of itself. I feel so blessed each time I meet with a new mom-to-be.

I started seeing a chiropractor. I've only been two times and I don't remember the last time my back and neck felt so good. My neck and back have been bothering me a lot since the little ones came along. So, this is a huge blessing. :-)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

...and then came Jonah.

We get emails from friends off and on asking us how things are going with our decision about moving to the Philippines for missionary work with New Life International School of Midwifery.

Please visit my husband's blog for the latest updates on our thought process about the Philippines. He has done a wonderful job and conveying how we are feeling and what we are thinking and he has several entries posted about this.

There you will read about why I entitled this entry "...and then came Jonah."

Sunday, November 02, 2008