Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Happy Birthday, Kyla!

Our baby girl, Kyla, is 5 years old today! She is such a blessing in so many ways to our family. She has a tender heart, a concern for the poor (often pretending her toys are children in Africa and then giving them food), she LOVES her sister, her friends Josh and Ella, preschool, pink, dress-up, and any food that is sweet. She told me the thing she was most thankful for on her birthday was her carrot cake cupcakes!

Here's a trip down memory lane of the past 5 years with our Kyla Rose! Enjoy!
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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Scones & Settlers

Two weekends ago we were blessed with a weekend visit by my sister Rosie and her wonderful family. Kyla and Avery loved playing with their cousin, Ian. Rosie and I enjoyed a quick sister get-a-way to our favorite store, Anthropologie, so we could drool at all the clothes and home goods....(um, it's my favorite store, I think it's Rosie's too) This time we looked at all of their yumminess in a new light, thinking of what we could go home and re-create on our sewing machines! (Of course, as always, I walked away with zero purchases. As much as it's my favorite store, it's just not affordable. Hmmm...maybe I need to find a new favorite?
No, I think not.)

Pete and Jonathan enjoyed a quick morning out for coffee while Rosie and I took the kids to the neighborhood park.

And, both evenings after the kids were all tucked in their beds, we sat down on the floor and indulged ourselves in hot tea, homemade scones, and a game of Settlers (thanks, Patrick and Megan, for getting us addicted to this game!) No matter how crazy busy we got running around after the tots, each evening the scones and Settlers were a big hit and a great way to unwind.

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Monday, February 16, 2009

Lazy Days Skirt

I did it! I attempted my very first sewing project ever. After seeing these irristable skirts on Soulemama's blog and reading and re-reading the fabulous free pattern from Oliver + S, I finished Kyla's skirt! She's thrilled to wear it and I'm thankful that she's only 5 years old and doesn't see or care about all of the flaws that I see when I look at it. The fabric is a beautiful lightweight cotton by Heather Bailey's Freshcut line. I got it for a great deal from WhipstitchFabrics.

I thought the little rosebuds were very fitting for our Kyla Rose, who is so dearly nicknamed "Rosebud" by her daddy. I'm working on a matching skirt for Avery right now, and all from the same yard of material. Yeaa! The best part about all of this is the total cost for Kyla's skirt was barely $4. I was hoping sewing the girl's clothes might be cheaper, and so far it is! :-)

More pictures to come once Avery's skirt is finished and they will model for mama :-)
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Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day (1 day early!). The girls and I have had fun making cards today for their friends and grandparents :-) I loved it just as much as they did, though watching Avery with the glue was quite a test of my patience.

Love to all of you...friends and family!

(And whoever is a reader of this blog)
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Is it really February?

We're enjoying some very unseasonably warm days here. Flip-flops are out of the closet and on our feet, the girls are digging in the dirt and pretending to plant, and Kyla got a hold of one of our cut tulips to plant it-hoping it will grow. (She made a pretty little spot for it, don't you think? I love those rocks she put around it.)

Just as I was trying to savor winter, a little spring has arrived. I know the cold weather is probably coming back, but I'm loving the sunshine, flip-flops, and dresses.

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Saturday, February 07, 2009

Wish Jar: Winter

A gentle reminder not to wish winter away.

(Which I can already find myself doing...)

Friday, February 06, 2009

A beautiful mess

My sister, Rosie, and her husband and baby are coming to Charlotte to visit us for the weekend. I realized how there was absolutely nothing to eat, so off to Trader Joe's I went with the girls in toe this morning.

When I arrived home from all of our errand-running, all I saw was a mess. The dishwasher needed unstacking, the counters were full of breakfast cereal dishes, and I could hardly see the counter tops. With each step I took, I could feel crumbs beneath my feet, reminding me that our floors needed some desperate attention. But, it all had to wait, of course: the girls were hungry, mommy was hungry, and there was a beautiful day outside beckoning us to come and play.

While making lunches, I saw this beautiful little "mess" which was surrounded by other papers and dishes. I looked at it, and it made me smile.

Some new fabric and ribbon just came in the mail, and on top of it lay a little infant hat in-the-making (my very first knitting project, thanks to Amanda Soule). Kyla chose some pink tulips at Trader Joe's, and the sight of them made me happy all day long--I'm really looking forward to spring, but trying to still savor the winter.

This was my oasis for the day in the midst of household clutter :-)

Oh, and the house did get cleaned after lunches, after playing, and during naps. Having fresh flowers always give me an inspiration to clean, to make everything look fresher and newer, just like spring.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

A little hockey in the street

There was suprise snow yesterday, and we woke up to streets sheets of ice. Pete and Kyla joined the Baslers in the back alley for a little ice hockey in the street and the girls were amazed at the ice...and fell more than once! Then our neighbors Chad and Laura payed us a short visit with their ever-growing bundle of joy, Sydney. Sydney was born very early because of a serious emergency and she is thriving and doing well- just look at how cute she is! (I just want to eat her up!) I had just gone through my doula training before Laura had Sydney and was able to help her some with nursing a preemie, because nursing for Laura was way more challenging than for most moms. It's so wonderful to see both mommy and baby doing so great now! God is so good :-)

ps. I want to learn to knit that adorable, hand-made purple hat she is wearing in the picture. :-) Next project, maybe?

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