Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Snapshot of a Moment: a visit from Papa

Papa drove down from Virginia this past weekend to visit us! Kyla loved to show and tell him everything new that she can do now that she is 5 years old. This includes riding her bike "really fast", climbing trees, hanging with her feet from the monkey bars at the park, making her bed, and doing her "job" which is unloading the flatware from the dishwasher. She is so proud of everything she can do now! Avery is also surprising us a little more every day with her athletic abilities. Kyla was not riding or couldn't seem to ride the tricycle by herself at 2 and 1/2. Now, I know that most kids can, but for some reason, Kyla wasn't either interested or didn't have the leg strength. Well, Avery will push those peddles up any hill and will not let us help her.

Anyway, back to our visit with Papa...he read dozens and dozens of books to the girls, we went out to eat and went to the library, and visited the NoDa arts district. When the girls went to sleep in the evening, we enjoyed teaching my dad the game of Settlers and played each evening while he was here. :-) Thanks, Patrick and Megan for the 100th time of letting us borrow your game. I think it's ending up at our home more than your home. I guess this is a sign we need to buy our own very soon!
Thanks, Dad, for brightening our weekend!
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