Sunday, January 27, 2008


I just have a few moments to write, but I wanted to tell you that the past 12 hours in the Davis household has been entitled "Injuries".

Last night, Pete was stretching on the floor of our bedroom and swiped his arm hard against the metal frame of our bed. It was very sharp and put a pretty big gash in his forearm. It looked like it needed stitches, but since it wasn't bleeding hardly at all we decided to wait to go to urgent care in the morning verses pay a huge fee for an emergency room trip. Today he went to urgent care to find out that he had waited too long for stitches (and yes, he did need them) and so they had to glue his skin together. The doctor told him he will have a pretty big scar. Check out his blog to find a much more interesting story (

In addition to this, I was downstairs this morning heating up hot water in the microwave. I guess I didn't gauge the time well, so I overheated the water. Somehow when I went to get the mug out of the microwave the boiling water splashed onto my face!! It hurt so bad and out of panic and reaction I screamed and dropped the mug on our ceramic tile floor and the mug shattered to pieces. No one was hurt (the girls were playing in the living room) but my face hurt a little. The girls had been fighting and testing me most of the morning, Pete was sleeping in, (finally his turn to sleep in!! He ALWAYS lets me sleep in) I was tired from a 5:00am morning with Avery, and not in the best of moods. I knew I needed to change my attitude. So, the hot water incident was basically the last straw for me. I started to cry, not out of pain, but mostly because I was frustrated with myself. Poor Pete, he thought I was really hurt. But I was mostly frustrated.

The morning became much better. We all had a nice lunch together as a family after Pete got home from urgent care. Then, Pete let me take a nap. Now the girls are napping for a little while. (sigh.....)

This morning was just one of those mornings. Those kind of not-so-perfect mornings, living in a house full of not-so-perfect people, with not-so-perfect attitudes.

This is why I am so thankful for God's grace. His mercies are new every morning.

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