Saturday, February 02, 2008


We are just so in awe of how God is providing for us to move to the Philippines in order serve the women, infants, and people in Davao! He has provided over $160 in monthly pledges and over $2000 in special gifts for this mission. He is continuing to show us His amazing faithfulness through our church too! This month we will meet with a missions committee as they pray about the possibility of supporting us with $7,000 a year! The pastor we talked to told us it was very likely, and now we are just praying for God's will to happen.

Also, we have seen Avery go from being underweight with severe eczema, to growing well and having 95% of her eczema disappear. I remember praying and asking God that if He wanted us to move to the Philippines this summer, to please heal our little Avery. He answered that prayer and continues to give us all we need from day to day. His provision amazes me and I am in awe of His love for us. It makes me want to cry when I think about how good He is to us. I am very humbled through all of this because we have done absolutely nothing to deserve this type of provision. It is all because of His amazing love and incredible, unending grace.

Please pray for our church to support us and also pray for more pledges to come in so we will have a better idea by the end of February if we will be moving to the Philippines this summer or next summer. Thank you!

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