Thursday, January 17, 2008

A Dream Comes True

About one week ago I was accepted to Newlife International School of Midwifery. Peter, Kyla, Avery and myself will be flying to the Philippines in June of this year if the Lord provides the finances for us to go. If the Lord continues to provide and open up doors for us to move to Davao, Philippines, our lives will be changing a lot. I cannot tell you how much it means to me to have the opportunity to study midwifery while at the same time serving impoverished women as a missionary. Pete and I have always had a dream to be missionaries overseas, and since the birth of Kyla, I have felt the Lord tenderly nudging my spirit to become a midwife. A dream is beginning to come true. An adventure is about to take place. We have a lot of work to do between now and June, but we know the Lord will continue to guide our steps.

We have to have roughly about $30,000 for the first year which includes all of our family's living expenses, travel costs, missionary visas, tuition, books, and supplies. We are beginning to see the Lord provide for us with friends pledging gifts, and we received word yesterday from one of the pastors of our church here that they might take us on as one of their missionaries. What a blessing that would be. The pastor we met with yesterday encouraged us and prayed for us, and was very excited about the calling that God has laid on our hearts.

Through the Lord's amazing grace and provision we will do this. Only through him, though. This cannot happen at all on our own! Jesus is the vine and we are the branches. Apart from Him we can truely do NOTHING. Oh, but with Him, just imagine what He can do!

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