Saturday, April 04, 2009

Our local CSA

We were so excited today to stop by our local CSA (community supported agriculture) and pick up our first share of the season! Kyla is proudly showing it off, along with the pink egg she dyed yesterday at the Creehan's easter party :-)
This is our very first year being part of a CSA, and for us it is Poplar Ridge Farm about 5 miles away from us in Charlotte, NC. I have wanted to do something like this for years! Some CSA's have membership fees where you pay once a year for produce for your whole family, and then receive a share each week of whatever is growing at the time.

Pete is doing a photography barter with our CSA, so we're able to exchange photography for fresh food! Can't get much better than that :-) We're super excited. The eggs above were delicous...and so were the portobello mushrooms. The apples were probably the sweetest I've ever tasted. I don't think this was just in my truely was very fresh food!

You can click on the CSA link above and it will take you to where you can find the CSA closest to you!
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1 comment:

Emilie said...

Fresh vegetables! I can't wait for my own harvest to come in. Unfortunately, the garden was still buried under a foot of snow until this weekend...enjoy your bounty!

BTW, how are the preparations for the Philippines going?