Monday, December 08, 2008

"Look what I made!"

I saw on another mom's homeschool blog some of these very easy button ornaments she made with her kids. So, Kyla made one today and had the best time threading the buttons on the wire!

Then we finished it off with a sparkling bow and ta-da!
A pretty ornament for the tree!

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1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. As for what we do with our 4.5 yod, we really don't *do* a whole lot. We also use some Waldorf and I use Donna Simmons book Kindergarten with your 3-6 yea old. It is available from As a Christian you will be in conflict with Steiner's religious beliefs though if you research it a bit. We do quite a bit of art with natural materials and alot of nature study. I am onlyu doing alphabet recognition and some basic addition and subtraction using beans and cooking together. We play alot:-) at this stage. If you have any questions feel free to email me. God Bless,