Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Life is Good!

Just a quick little update on Avery! She was on some mild topical steriods for 2 weeks and her treatment with those ended yesterday. Her skin improved to the point of not having anymore eczema! I knew that this would happen, and our family has benefited greatly from Avery feeling better and it's so much fun to see her happy all the time and not so concerned with scratching herself.

Yesterday was her last day of treatment and the eczema is now already back on her legs and ankles but it is mild. I knew this might happen, cortizone only treats the symptoms (which was very helpful for the time being!) and you cannot apply them to the skin every single day without taking a break from them. Now we have to wait about a month before we can do it again for 2 weeks.

It's been very nice to see avery so happy! Just wanted to keep you updated!


Jen said...

Hugs to your little one! My ds has eczema also and we're looking for a natural treatment product because he can't use the dr. prescribed creams everyday/for long periods of time.

Lila said...

Glad to hear that things are brighter! We miss you all and think of you often!