I was scrolling through some pictures of Avery this evening and I was struck by how much she has changed over the past few months. I thought you might like to see. -Pete
Thursday, September 27, 2007

Below is an article from Low Impact Living about reducing our use of plastic. Obviously plastic is contributing to global warming, but how is it affecting our personal health? This article, Plastic Ocean , really made us think twice about our use of plastic. It IS still so hard to get away from using it all together, isn't it? One recent change our family made was we bought SIGG (www.SIGG.com) water bottles made of aluminum. My personal favorite thing about these water bottles is that the water ALWAYS, and I mean ALWAYS, tastes like fresh water....not plastic water!!
I felt this article was worth copying onto our blog. The ideas are great to reduce our use of plastic! Have you noticed how EVERYTHING seems to be made out of plastic? And plastic is made from petroleum which is not a renewable resource!
How to Tuesday: Cut Your Use of Plastic, Plastic, Plastic
Posted by Carey Okrand
You are not new to recycling. You’ve been doing it for years and it’s a big part of your daily routine. You’ve become at an expert at identifying what plastics you can and cannot recycle. Now focus on another important part of eco-friendly living: reduce your use of plastic.
Each year, an estimated 500 billion to 1 trillion plastic bags are consumed worldwide. That comes out to over one million per minute. Billions end up as litter each year or in landfills. If that’s not enough, almost 3 million tons of plastic are used to bottle water each year worldwide. Nearly 80 percent of all water bottles are not recycled and wind up in landfills. We are drowning in plastic, people!
That plastic can be bad for us and bad for the environment. Recent studies have shown that there’s more plastic than plankton in some of the remote parts of our oceans. And there are increasing reports on the human health effects of chemicals used in plastic products. Let’s also not forget that plastic is made from petroleum, which is a non-renewable resource and a major contributor to global warming.
So let’s get to it– how to reduce your use of plastics:
1. Don’t use garbage bags—just empty your trash into the garbage bin.
2. If you don’t like that approach, get yourself some recycled or biodegradable, compostable garbage bags.
3. Request that your daily newspaper not be wrapped in plastic when delivered. (Or cancel your newspaper subscription and go totally online for your news fix– you’ll save hundreds of trees as well.)
4. Take your own plastic or metal container to the restaurant to take home your leftovers when you’re eating out. Sure they’ll look at you funny, but remember you’re an eco-trend-setter!
5. Remind your favorite take-out place to leave out the plastic utensils when they pack your food to go. Your drawers are full of them already! And politely decline the bag if you only have one or two items to carry home.
6. Ask you favorite dry-cleaners to eliminate the plastic wrap on your clothes. Don’t forget to choose an eco-friendly, non-toxic dry cleaner too.
7. Take your reusable coffee tumbler with you when get coffee to-go. And skip the lid for your soft drink. Those plastic lids add up! And now you don’t need a plastic straw.
8. You’ve heard it before but it’s critical: The simple most profound solution to reduce plastic consumption is to bring your own bags when you shop at the grocery store, drugstore or mall. There are so many great cotton, canvas, even hemp bags available now in endless sizes and styles. Have you seen the ultra-light compact Chicobags? Throw two in your car or purse so you’re never without a reusable bag and you’ll always have one handy!
9. Another major source of plastic bag waste are the pesky flimsy plastic produce bags that accumulate in your closet. Reusable cotton mesh produce sacks are a simple solution to that problem. Check them out at Ecobags.com. Toss them in your reusable shopping bag and head to the market. Each reusable bag you use has the potential to eliminate thousands of plastic bags over its lifetime.
10. And let’s all remember the problem that is the disposable plastic water bottle. Many alternatives to plastic water bottles are available. Kleen Kanteen and SIIG water bottles are stainless steel safe alternatives to plastic water bottle and are available in many sizes.
11. For water use in the office…Remember the novel concept of a pitcher or a glass of water? You don’t have to drink from a bottle.
12. There are loads of ways to reduce your consumption of plastic when you store leftovers, pack lunches or food to go. Ditch those plastic baggies or foil for containers that come in endless shapes and sizes and you can use them over and over again! Pack them in your reusable lunch sack too.
13. Become an eco-wise consumer whenever you shop. Choose products that contain less packaging. Check every plastic container before you chuck it– it may be recyclable! Purchase products in larger containers—get a huge jug of laundry detergent rather than three smaller ones. Choose glass bottles over plastic whenever possible.
Just as recycling has become second nature, these simple ways to reduce our consumption of plastic make a world of difference! And don’t be afraid to speak up about these ideas. The more that retailers and restaurants hear about alternatives, the better the chance that they’ll make changes in the way they do business. That way we’ll multiply our individual actions.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
I just put Kyla down for a nap. After we sang a song and prayed I gave her a kiss and a hug. She gave me a bunch of kisses back and a big hug. She held me close and then whispered in my ear, "stay here for a minute". So I did. We stayed there for a minute hugging each other and it was such a special minute. A much needed minute. A minute to take a breath and capture the moment in time and smile.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Today we took some pictures while in downtown Matthews. We were enjoying the beautiful cooler weather...it reminded us of California evenings! Avery is showing off her walking skills (well, almost) and Pete is showing off his gray hairs. (I can't tell, but he notices them!)
It was a relaxing Sunday afternoon...then we came back home and Pete grilled salmon and potatoes while Kyla and I went grocery shopping at Trader Joe's!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
I was thinking about Donna while driving to a La Leche League meeting this morning and how her love for natural childbirth and love for others impacted my life. You see, in another month, I will be attending a training conference to become a certified Bradley childbirth teacher. Going to a La Leche League meeting is one of the requirements of the certification process.
At the meeting, we introduced ourselves and then after the meeting was over, several women came up to me and they were so excited that I was going to be teaching Bradley classes...they told me I am the only Bradley teacher in the South Charlotte area. Everyone at LLL only knew of one other lady in North Charlotte that teaches Bradley. I was really surprised by this. There were many Bradley teachers in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. When I came home I looked it up on the computer and it is true. There are only 2 other Bradley teachers in all of Charlotte and the surrounding areas!
I am so happy that the Lord has opened up these doors for me to bring this opportunity to women...an opportunity to learn about natural childbirth and how to trust God and their bodies in the birth process! I keep thinking that if it weren't for Donna and her influence in my life being my Bradley teacher and midwife, I wouldn't be in this position wanting to share this with other women. And who knows, maybe the Lord will use me to inspire someone else...it's so neat to think about it all, how God uses us and our gifts to bring him glory and bless other people.
About 2 weeks ago, Avery had to go to the doctor. While we were there, the doctor told me that she has never seen a 14 month old talk as much as Avery! I knew she was quite a little talker, but I just thought it was "normal" for some to talk early and normal for others to talk a little later (like Kyla). It's been fun keeping a running list of the words (and now phrases!!) Avery says on a regular basis!! Here they are in running order!
12 months old- Mama, Dada, doggie, glasses, yla (for Kyla), cat, duck, light, ballon (boon), ball, uh-oh
13 months old- cow, papa, chicken, hat, duck, quack-quack (cak-cak), moo-moo, apple
14 months old- book, blankie, turkey, earring (eeeng), hair, bottle (bobble), rabbit, baby, hi, yogurt, juice, eye, toe, boo-boo, kitty cat, there's a doggy (es a doggy), GaGa, park
And this morning as we were going to wake Daddy up from sleeping in a little, Avery said on the way upstairs..."see Daddy?"......TOO CUTE!!!!
Thursday, September 06, 2007
We love the people of Charlotte, people are very friendly. Our neighborhood is quiet and relaxing and in the evenings we can sit on our front porch and see beautiful sunsets. It is a blessing to live close to our college roomates who live just down the street with their two boys. We have enjoyed getting to know a young family behind us who have two kids as well. I've enjoyed being closer to family too. I was able to drive up to Radford, VA and be with Rosie while she was in labor with her baby boy. My mother came down and suprised us with an overnight visit!! :-) It's nice to be here...and we have even found a church that we love.
We miss Los Angeles and sunny California too. We miss living a close drive from the ocean...Santa Monica...Malibu...we miss our friends the Wylies, the Hays, the Swifts, the Raceks, all the Guys and the Barlows too...the list could go on and on who we miss in Los Angeles and in Simi Valley! We miss the culture, the diversity, the close parks and the the unique coffee shops. We miss the dry weather...the humidity has been a little trying to get used to here in Charlotte.
So, more pictures to come and share soon. I hope to update this more and more frequently!