With all of the snow we have been getting plus with most days not even reaching above freezing outside, we have been spending more and more time indoors. Trying to find ways to make the day a little more creative, a little more fun and interesting becomes more of a challenge with each day that approaches and the weather forcast reads, "Partly cloudy, high 30 degrees".
We're all itching to get outside and be able to stay outside for more than 20 minutes without feeling parts of our body go numb. :-) Thankfully, today we got one of those days! And yesterday we did as well! The high was 45 yesterday and today it is even higher!
Meanhwhile, here's a little of what has been keeping me busy indoors-- sewing some spring curtains to brighten up the girls' bedroom. Also, lots of reading, working on homework, breadbaking and cleaning and organizing. Kyla and Avery spend most of their time entertained with dolls, dollhouses, blocks and books,...also sitting on my lap to help me sew has become a favorite too. We've brought our trampoline inside on a number of occasions to get some much needed exercise inside! They've had fun with that too!
Here's to warmer weather soon! :-)