These days, blogging has unfortunately become last place. I love blogging and would love to do it daily or even weekly, but somehow there are so many other things that have taken priority. Homeschooling, teaching childbirth classes, being a wife, a mommy, a doula and trying to keep the house running at a somewhat smooth pace all seems to preceed blogging. Add on top of that being pregnant again and beginning to start midwifery school, things can get a little crazy around here!
We have really been enjoying our new home in Charlottesville. Recently, we especially enjoyed the 24 inches of snow in December that the blizzard of 2009 brought to our little town. It was so beautiful and it was so much fun being snowed in for a whole week!
I hope you created wonderful holiday memories with your family and had a wonderful new year :-) We're looking forward to what 2010 will bring!