I'm really behind on blogging these days. But I didn't want too many days to slip by without blogging about our special day, May 26th. I have been married 8 years now to the man of my dreams. Life really only gets better with him by my side. I was head-0ver-heals in love on our wedding day...I couldn't imagine loving him more! Oh, but there was definitely more room for more love. (If you're not sick of the lovey-dovey cheesiness then you can continue to read)
When I married Pete, I had sort of an idea of what kind of husband he would be, but I had no idea what kind of dad he would be.
He's the kind of husband that comes home from work and immediately sees what might need to be done and does it every single time (whether that's playing with the kids, cooking dinner, or cleaning up). He's the kind of husband who if he knows I have had a really hard day dealing with Avery and her skin, he will give me the keys to the car and push me out the door so that I can go have a break. He's the kind of husband who never puts himself first. He's always thinking of ways to make me happy or take care of the girls, instead of doing something for himself.
He's the kind of daddy who gets up in the middle of the night 99% of the time if one of the girl's wakes up (right now, it's Avery). This started when Avery was a baby and was nursing VERY often at night. I was so exhausted and couldn't sleep because every time my head hit the pillow I would have to wake right back up again. So, I started to even have a hard time falling asleep (since I was anticipating waking up). So, he recommended I wear ear plugs and told me he would just bring Avery to me whenever she needed to nurse, but he would take care of the rest. So, this was 2 years ago, but he still does it. Yes, I still wear ear plugs. Yes, Avery still wakes up often (though not nearly as much as when she was a baby!). He tells me he sees it like this: I need more sleep than him to function normally. He does great with 6 hours, if I get less than 8, I'm dragging all day long.
There are so many more reasons that I love him, but these are pretty amazing reasons to love this man. Happy 8 years, babe. You're the best.